Tamper Evident offers 30 days credit to approved entities.

To be approved for credit, the entity must be a registered company, partnership, trust or sole trader who operates a business in Australia.

You are required to complete a credit application which is available on our website. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete the application.

How to Apply: 

  • Ensure you have the following information to complete the application:
    • Company details including ABN, registered address and ownership details
    • Accounts contact details including primary contact, email address, phone number and address
    • Delivery contact details including primary contact, email address, phone number and address
    • Your contact details
  • Click on the link: https://www.tamperevident.com.au/credit-application/
  • Follow the prompts, and enter relevant information. The application takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
  • Once we have reviewed your application, we will notify you via email to inform you above the outcome

Please note: Any credit application agrees to the terms and conditions of trade as set out on the Tamper Evident Website here: https://www.tamperevident.com.au/terms-and-conditions-of-sales/